Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Solving a Virtual Mystery Case


Footwear impressions allow you to match the impression with actual footwear owned by suspect.

Toolmark impressions allow you to match the impression with actual tools owned by suspect.

Paint examination allows you to match a tool to the crime scene, when the tool is found.

Computer composites can help with suspect identification.

Hair analysis enables comparisons with the suspect's hair or with hair found on the suspect's clothing

Document analysis can verify the authenticity of a document and who the author is.

Fingerprint analysis is still the predominant means of establishing positive identification.

Fiber analysis rests on the principle that whenever two individuals are in contact, materials (dust, paint, cloth...) are exchanged at a microscopic level.

Blood stain pattern analysis tells you how a crime was committed.

Blood analysis lets you identify a victim or a suspect, because DNA is unique to each individual.

Wound analysis can help with identifying the murder weapon.

Pathology allows you to establish time of death and compare with suspect's schedule.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Awareness Test

Number of tosses in the white team: 13

Reflection: While everyone was intently focusing on the number of tosses of the ball was made by the white team, we failed to notice a man dressed in a bear suit, moonwalking across the screen. This was through this that i realised that while one is preoccupied on an object or movement, they will have almost completely no awareness as to what was transpiring around them except the fixated object.

The Case Of The Trash Tosser

An inconsiderate slob dumped trash on Rachel Rabbit's lawn. One of these two suspects is guilty. Slylock Fox found evidence that may identify the loathsome litterbug.

Suspect: Raccoon! The trash bag is filled with rotten vegetables, fish bones and animal bones. The Bull is a herbivore and only feeds on plants whereas the Raccoon is an omnivore and feeds on both plants and animals.